/* License is GPL. Treat as free but no support. * This program needs "oggenc" "ogginfo" "ffmpeg" "iconv" to run. * This program needs "taglib" to compile. * * ex: g++ all_to_ogg.cpp -o all_to_ogg -I{path-to-taglib-headers} -ltag \ * -DPATH_OGGENC={path-to-oggenc} -DPATH_FFMPEG={path-to-ffmpeg} */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string> #include <locale> #include <sstream> #include <iconv.h> #include <stack> // taglib headers. #include <tlist.h> #include <fileref.h> #include <tfile.h> #include <tag.h> using namespace std; #ifndef PATH_OGGENC #define PATH_OGGENC "/usr/bin/oggenc" #endif #ifndef PATH_FFMPEG #define PATH_FFMPEG "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" #endif bool ifsjis(TagLib::String& input); string ucs2utf(TagLib::String& input); string iconv(iconv_t cd, TagLib::String& in); TagLib::String utf2ucs(string& input); string make_path(stack<dirent> list); int main(int argc, char** argv) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); iconv_t sjis_to_utf8; sjis_to_utf8 = iconv_open("UTF-8", "SHIFT_JIS"); stack<DIR*> list; stack<dirent> path; DIR* d = opendir("."); // current directory. if(d == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } list.push(d); bool first = true; string target; while(list.size() != 0) { dirent* dp = readdir(list.top()); if(dp == NULL) { target = target.substr(0, target.rfind('/')); cout << "Out from: " << target << endl; closedir(list.top()); list.pop(); path.pop(); continue; } if((!path.empty()) && (!first)) { path.pop(); } path.push(*dp); if(dp->d_name[0] == '.') { first = false; continue; } target = make_path(path); if(dp->d_type == DT_DIR) { cout << "Into: " << target << endl; DIR* d = opendir(target.c_str()); list.push(d); first = true; continue; } first = false; if(dp->d_type != DT_REG && dp->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN) { // pipe, link, etc. cout << "Skipping because not file: " << target << endl; continue; } string fname = dp->d_name; string::size_type dot = fname.rfind('.'); string suffix; if(dot != 0 && dot != string::npos) { suffix = fname.substr(dot + 1, string::npos); } else { suffix = ""; } if(suffix != "mp3" && suffix != "MP3") { cout << "Skipping because not mp3: " << target << endl; continue; } cout << "Converting: " << target << endl; string out_file = target.substr(0, target.length() - 3) + "ogg"; string command = (string)(PATH_FFMPEG " -i \"") + target + ("\" -f flac -acodec flac -aq 100 -ac 2 -ar 48000 - 2> /dev/null | " PATH_OGGENC " -q 10 -o \"") + out_file + "\" - 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"; int ret; ret = system(command.c_str()); if(ret != 0) { while(!list.empty()) { closedir(list.top()); list.pop(); } break; } TagLib::FileRef i_file(target.c_str()); TagLib::FileRef o_file(out_file.c_str()); TagLib::Tag* i_tag = i_file.tag(); TagLib::Tag* o_tag = o_file.tag(); TagLib::String i_str; TagLib::String o_str; string utf8; cout << " Title : \""; i_str = i_tag->title(); if(ifsjis(i_str)) { utf8 = iconv(sjis_to_utf8, i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = utf2ucs(utf8); } else { utf8 = ucs2utf(i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = i_str; } o_tag->setTitle(o_str); cout << "\"" << endl; cout << " Artist : \""; i_str = i_tag->artist(); if(ifsjis(i_str)) { utf8 = iconv(sjis_to_utf8, i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = utf2ucs(utf8); } else { utf8 = ucs2utf(i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = i_str; } o_tag->setArtist(o_str); cout << "\"" << endl; cout << " Album : \""; i_str = i_tag->album(); if(ifsjis(i_str)) { utf8 = iconv(sjis_to_utf8, i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = utf2ucs(utf8); } else { utf8 = ucs2utf(i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = i_str; } o_tag->setAlbum(o_str); cout << "\"" << endl; cout << "Comment : \""; i_str = i_tag->comment(); if(ifsjis(i_str)) { utf8 = iconv(sjis_to_utf8, i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = utf2ucs(utf8); } else { utf8 = ucs2utf(i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = i_str; } o_tag->setComment(o_str); cout << "\"" << endl; cout << " Track : "; o_tag->setTrack(i_tag->track()); cout << i_tag->track(); cout << endl; cout << " Genre : \""; i_str = i_tag->genre(); if(ifsjis(i_str)) { utf8 = iconv(sjis_to_utf8, i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = utf2ucs(utf8); } else { utf8 = ucs2utf(i_str); cout << utf8; o_str = i_str; } o_tag->setGenre(o_str); cout << "\"" << endl; o_file.file()->save(); } iconv_close(sjis_to_utf8); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bool ifsjis(TagLib::String& input) { bool only_ASCII = true; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { unsigned short int tmp[2]; tmp[0] = input[i]; if(tmp[0] < 0x0080) { continue; // no problem. } else if(tmp[0] > 0x00A0 && tmp[0] < 0x00E0) { only_ASCII = false; continue; } else { only_ASCII = false; i++; tmp[1] = input[i]; if(((tmp[0] > 0x0080 && tmp[0] < 0x00A0) || (tmp[0] >= 0x00E0 && tmp[0] < 0x00FD)) && ((tmp[1] > 0x003F && tmp[1] < 0x007F) || (tmp[1] >= 0x0080 && tmp[1] < 0x00FD))) { continue; // noproblem. } else { return false; } } } if(only_ASCII) return false; else return true; } string ucs2utf(TagLib::String& input) { string out; out = ""; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { unsigned short int tmp = input[i]; if(tmp < 0x0080) { out += (unsigned char) tmp & 0x7F; } else if(tmp < 0x0800) { out += (unsigned char) ((tmp >> 6) | 0xC0); out += (unsigned char) ((tmp & 0x003F) | 0x80); } else { out += (unsigned char) ((tmp >> 12) | 0xE0); out += (unsigned char) (((tmp >> 6) & 0x003F) | 0x80); out += (unsigned char) ((tmp & 0x003F) | 0x80); } } return out; } TagLib::String utf2ucs(string& input){ TagLib::String out; out = L""; for(unsigned int i = 0, r = 1; i < input.length(); i += r) { unsigned char tmp[3]; tmp[0] = input[i]; tmp[1] = input[i + 1]; tmp[2] = input[i + 2]; TagLib::wchar ucs = 0x0000; if(tmp[0] < 0x80) { ucs = tmp[0]; r = 1; } else if(tmp[0] > 0xC0 && tmp[0] < 0xE0) { ucs = (TagLib::wchar)(tmp[0] & 0x3F) << 6; ucs |= (TagLib::wchar)(tmp[1] & 0x3F); r = 2; } else if(tmp[0] > 0xE0) { ucs = (TagLib::wchar)(tmp[0] & 0x0F) << 12; ucs |= (TagLib::wchar)(tmp[1] & 0x3F) << 6; ucs |= (TagLib::wchar)(tmp[2] & 0x3F); r = 3; } out += ucs; } return out; } #define S_SIZE 1024 string iconv(iconv_t cd, TagLib::String& in) { string s; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { s += (unsigned char) in[i] & 0xFF; } istringstream si; ostringstream so; si.str(s); char* s_src = new char[S_SIZE]; char* s_dst = new char[S_SIZE]; char* p_src; char* p_dst; size_t n_src; size_t n_dst; while(!si.eof()) { si.getline(s_src, S_SIZE); p_src = s_src; p_dst = s_dst; n_src = strlen(s_src); n_dst = S_SIZE-1; while(0 < n_src){ iconv(cd, &p_src, &n_src, &p_dst, &n_dst); } *p_dst = '\0'; so << s_dst; } delete [] s_src; delete [] s_dst; return so.str(); } string make_path(stack<dirent> list) { string ret = ""; while(!list.empty()) { ret = (string)list.top().d_name + ((ret != "") ? ("/" + ret) : ("")); list.pop(); } return "./" + ret; }
どうせいずれ Segmentation Fault するし(おい)。
文字コード変換に関しても wikipedia にあったのそのままだし*1。
string command = (string)(PATH_FFMPEG " -i \"") + target + ("\" -f flac -acodec flac -aq 100 -ac 2 -ar 48000 - 2> /dev/null | " PATH_OGGENC " -q 10 -o \"") + out_file + "\" - 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if(suffix != "mp3" && suffix != "MP3") { // ← 変換元の拡張子 cout << "Skipping because not mp3: " << target << endl; continue; } cout << "Converting: " << target << endl; string out_file = target.substr(0, target.length() - 3) + "ogg"; // ← 変換先の拡張子
実行すると CPU使用率 100% になるのであしからず。
・・・ Out from: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/Touhou_PC-98_Ripped/01_Touhou_Reiiden_Highly_Responsive_to_Prayers Out from: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/Touhou_PC-98_Ripped Into: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/th08_東方永夜抄_Imperishable_Night Into: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/th08_東方永夜抄_Imperishable_Night/WAV Converting: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/th08_東方永夜抄_Imperishable_Night/WAV/th08_18_月まで届け、不死の煙.mp3 Title : "月まで届け、不死の煙" Artist : "上海アリス幻樂団" Album : "東方永夜抄 〜 Imperishable Night" Comment : "" Track : 18 Genre : "" Converting: ./東方/Touhou_Ripped_Soundtracks/th08_東方永夜抄_Imperishable_Night/WAV/th08_06_懐かしき東方の血_Old_World.mp3 ・・・
のように make 風に表示されます。
*1:使うなって書いてあった。詳しくは [wikipedia:Iconv]