


[root@arpa-castle ~]# mkfs.vfat -vvv -c -n XperiaSD /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkfs.vfat 3.0.9 (31 Jan 2010)
Auto-selecting FAT32 for large filesystem
Boot jump code is eb 58
Using 32 reserved sectors
Trying with 16 sectors/cluster:
FAT12: #clu=1943926, fatlen=5696, maxclu=4080, limit=4080
FAT12: too much clusters
FAT16: #clu=1943688, fatlen=7600, maxclu=65520, limit=65520
FAT16: too much clusters
FAT16: would be misdetected as FAT12
FAT32: #clu=1942740, fatlen=15184, maxclu=1943552, limit=268435440
Using sector 6 as backup boot sector (0 = none)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 has 4 heads and 16 sectors per track,
logical sector size is 512,
using 0xf8 media descriptor, with 31114240 sectors;
file system has 2 32-bit FATs and 16 sectors per cluster.
FAT size is 15184 sectors, and provides 1942740 clusters.
There are 32 reserved sectors.
Volume ID is 24c479fa, volume label XperiaSD   .
Searching for bad blocks 37088... 74336... 111584... 148832... 186080... 223328... 260576... 297824... 335072... 372320... 409568... 446816... 484064... 521264... 558640... 596016... 633392... 670768... 708144... 745520... 782896... 820272... 857648... 895024... 932400... 969776... 1007152... 1044528... 1081904... 1119280... 1156528... 1193904... 1231280... 1268656... 1306032... 1343408... 1380784... 1418160... 1455536... 1492912... 1530288... 1567664... 1605040... 1642416... 1679792... 1717168... 1754416... 1791792... 1829040... 1866416... 1903792... 1941168... 1978544... 2015920... 2053296... 2090672... 2128048... 2165424... 2202800... 2240176... 2277552... 2314928... 2352304... 2389680... 2427056... 2464432... 2501680... 2539056... 2576432... 2613808... 2651184... 2688560... 2725936... 2763312... 2800688... 2838064... 2875440... 2912816... 2950192... 2987568... 3024944... 3062320... 3099696... 3137072... 3174448... 3211824... 3249200... 3286576... 3323952... 3361328... 3398704... 3436080... 3473328... 3510704... 3548080... 3585456... 3622832... 3660208... 3697584... 3734960... 3772336... 3809712... 3846960... 3884336... 3921712... 3959088... 3996464... 4033840... 4071216... 4108592... 4145968... 4183344... 4220720... 4258096... 4295472... 4332848... 4370224... 4407600... 4444976... 4482352... 4519600... 4556976... 4594352... 4631728... 4669104... 4706480... 4743856... 4781232... 4818608... 4855984... 4893360... 4930736... 4968112... 5005488... 5042864... 5080240... 5117616... 5154992... 5192368... 5229744... 5267120... 5304496... 5341872... 5379248... 5416624... 5454000... 5491376... 5528752... 5566128... 5603504... 5640880... 5678256... 5715632... 5753008... 5790384... 5827760... 5865136... 5902512... 5939888... 5977264... 6014640... 6052016... 6089392... 6126768... 6164144... 6201520... 6238896... 6276272... 6313648... 6351024... 6388400... 6425776... 6463152... 6500528... 6537904... 6575280... 6612656... 6650032... 6687408... 6724784... 6762160... 6799536... 6836912... 6874288... 6911664... 6949040... 6986416... 7023792... 7061168... 7098544... 7135920... 7173296... 7210544... 7247920... 7285296... 7322672... 7360048... 7397424... 7434800... 7472176... 7509552... 7546928... 7584304... 7621680... 7659056... 7696432... 7733808... 7771184... 7808560... 7845936... 7883184... 7920560... 7957936... 7995184... 8032560... 8069936... 8107312... 8144688... 8182064... 8219440... 8256816... 8294192... 8331568... 8368944... 8406320... 8443696... 8481072... 8518320... 8555568... 8592944... 8630320... 8667696... 8705072... 8742448... 8779824... 8817200... 8854576... 8891952... 8929328... 8966704... 9004080... 9041456... 9078832... 9116208... 9153584... 9190960... 9228336... 9265712... 9303088... 9340464... 9377840... 9415216... 9452592... 9489968... 9527344... 9564720... 9602096... 9639472... 9676848... 9714224... 9751600... 9788976... 9826352... 9863728... 9900976... 9938352... 9975728... 10013104... 10050480... 10087856... 10125232... 10162608... 10199984... 10237360... 10274736... 10312112... 10349488... 10386864... 10424240... 10461616... 10498992... 10536368... 10573616... 10610992... 10648368... 10685744... 10723120... 10760496... 10797872... 10835248... 10872624... 10910000... 10947376... 10984752... 11022128... 11059504... 11096880... 11134256... 11171632... 11209008... 11246128... 11283504... 11320880... 11358256... 11395632... 11433008... 11470384... 11507760... 11545136... 11582512... 11619888... 11657264... 11694640... 11732016... 11769392... 11806768... 11844144... 11881520... 11918768... 11956144... 11993520... 12030896... 12068272... 12105648... 12143024... 12180400... 12217776... 12255152... 12292528... 12329904... 12367280... 12404656... 12442032... 12479408... 12516784... 12554160... 12591408... 12628784... 12666032... 12703408... 12740784... 12778160... 12815536... 12852912... 12890288... 12927664... 12965040... 13002416... 13039792... 13077168... 13114544... 13151920... 13189296... 13226672... 13263920... 13301296... 13338672... 13376048... 13413424... 13450800... 13488176... 13525552... 13562928... 13600304... 13637680... 13675056... 13712432... 13749808... 13787184... 13824560... 13861936... 13899312... 13936560... 13973936... 14011312... 14048688... 14086064... 14123440... 14160816... 14198192... 14235568... 14272944... 14310320... 14347696... 14385072... 14422448... 14459824... 14497200... 14534576... 14571952... 14609200... 14646576... 14683952... 14721328... 14758704... 14796080... 14833456... 14870832... 14908208... 14945584... 14982960... 15020336... 15057712... 15095088... 15132464... 15169840... 15207216... 15244464... 15281840... 15319216... 15356592... 15393968... 15431344... 15468720... 15506096... 15543472... 

SD カードってこんなに bad block あるものなのだろうか。っていうかそれを避けて使うようにはできないのか? FAT だと難しいか。

Android は ext3 でも読めそうだな。ext3 にしちゃおうか。