


と言いたいけど説明不足だなw まあ別に構わん.

N=\frac{V_{m} - I_{a} R_{a}}{K I_{fm}}
という式があります. このとき, 変わるのはI_{fm}[A]とN[無次元単位]です. この関係はつまり反比例ですよね.


このデータを Gnuplot で上の式に fit させると, (a=\frac{V_{m} - I_{a} R_{a}}{K})

FIT:    data read from "fig1.data"
        #datapoints = 16
        residuals are weighted equally (unit weight)

function used for fitting: f(x)
fitted parameters initialized with current variable values

 Iteration 0
 WSSR        : 11.8611           delta(WSSR)/WSSR   : 0
 delta(WSSR) : 0                 limit for stopping : 1e-05
 lambda	  : 0.000667462

initial set of free parameter values

a               = 1

After 3 iterations the fit converged.
final sum of squares of residuals : 0.233708
rel. change during last iteration : -6.71625e-08

degrees of freedom    (FIT_NDF)                        : 15
rms of residuals      (FIT_STDFIT) = sqrt(WSSR/ndf)    : 0.124822
variance of residuals (reduced chisquare) = WSSR/ndf   : 0.0155806

Final set of parameters            Asymptotic Standard Error
=======================            ==========================

a               = 1278.19          +/- 46.75        (3.658%)

で, グラフは,
(フォントがなかったので文字化けしましたがごめんなさいw. 横軸がN, 縦軸がI_{fm}です.)

一方, これはただ単にこれはあってねーなと思いつつちょっと式を変形して, I_{fm}=\frac{a}{N-b}にフィットさせるようにしたら,

FIT:    data read from "fig2.data" using 1:2
        #datapoints = 16
        residuals are weighted equally (unit weight)

function used for fitting: f(x)
fitted parameters initialized with current variable values

 Iteration 0
 WSSR        : 0.976597          delta(WSSR)/WSSR   : 0
 delta(WSSR) : 0                 limit for stopping : 1e-05
 lambda	  : 0.000709796

initial set of free parameter values

a               = 1600
b               = 1

After 8 iterations the fit converged.
final sum of squares of residuals : 0.00859937
rel. change during last iteration : -3.25925e-08

degrees of freedom    (FIT_NDF)                        : 14
rms of residuals      (FIT_STDFIT) = sqrt(WSSR/ndf)    : 0.0247839
variance of residuals (reduced chisquare) = WSSR/ndf   : 0.000614241

Final set of parameters            Asymptotic Standard Error
=======================            ==========================

a               = 654.89           +/- 18.51        (2.827%)
b               = 689.481          +/- 18.34        (2.66%)

correlation matrix of the fit parameters:

               a      b      
a               1.000 
b              -0.967  1.000 

で, グラフは,
となった. I_{fm} が無限大にでかくなっても Nは 0 にならないってか・・・.

あ, しばらく句読点がカンマとピリオドになってると思うけどいちいち設定変えるのが面倒なだけだから気にしないでw.