


We now provides links for automatic translation to English, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portugese.

It does not generate 100% translation, so don't claim at unnatural sentences.

Especially, the following case:

This is a code which I tried:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

Japanese verbs are usually placed after the source code, and the translating program doesn't recognize it. So it can't translate them correctly.
Symbols cannot be translated correctly, too.

I rarely write an article in Japanese and English, but the translation program doesn't support the combination of English and Chinese, and so on.
So you may see the original English text will be seen in English whenever translated, Chinese text will be seen in Chinese whenever tranlated.
Lugish (ルギア君語) pronounciation is written in Katakana and it may be translated, but it uses HTMLs inside. So it will become funny sentense like: Densekukikuni.

Sorry for bad English.
I have no English or American relations, and my text cannot be checked by other.